First and foremost, the idea of a night race was received hugely well.... and not only that, the race itself did justice to it well enuf....except of course that "little incident" involving Massa..... well that was something that had me in tears.....of laughter that is! Man I have never ever seen SUCH A THING happen in a race, well almost, if u exclude de time when a pit crew got sprayed with fuel! And then we had a couple of drivers crash and ram into the barricades..... I loved that too..... highly amusing to watch.... but yes.... these r just minor glitches..... I loved the race.... loved how the tables turned on Massa, and how Alonso won....and BTW Lewis Hamilton did not come first, so whoever says "Lewis all the way" on Facebook needs to read the news...
Sadly, tho I was in Singapore( still am) I couldn't make it to the race.... and then there were guys who got a free 3-day pass to the race for Red Cross Duty but got too tired to go on the Race Day coz they had to do much physical labor in the first 2 days!!! Unjust, for screamin out loud!!!! People with passes don't go, and those who wanna go got no passes....... anyway, I loved the race, and specially loved watching it with frenz.... adds to the fun, it does...
I hope they propose to have a regular Grand Prix in Singapore sumtime in de future. At least then I hav a chance......

"That's the way to go...for de cars!!!"
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