Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back in Business!

Relax....this one ain't a fuckin tribute to love.....I'm done with rehab and very proud to say I'm outta love and shit.....this is my first attempt after the insanity I'd plunged here goes!


Mystic eyes and a devil's brain

I bet her tears make acid rain

Long time since they chucked her out

Too much she was for Hell, no doubt!

LBJ got fucked in 'Nam

And Papa Bush cudn't nail Saddam

Strategy din do dick there

And neither did those strikes from air!

Then it hits me (I'm slow allright!)

They din hav her when they went in to fight!

Not even born when they bombed the 'Cong

Mighta been in diapers in Desert Storm!

If they'd let her loose out there

They'd have busted charlie's lair

Wudn't have needed no fuckin evac

And Dubya wud have to skip Ey-rack

Hell she's a devil and a gud one at that

I bet she keeps hellfire under all the fat

Hundred and sixty? No probs at all

Keep ur whip crackin and I'll play ball

Hell I love this shit it's so fucking fun!

But if she finds out then I'm gonna burn!

I'm hoping to Hell that she'll understand

I'd sure hate to drop dead, face in the sand!

She's got a temper that no fire can match

Enought to boil Wolfram - and there lies the catch....

Mouth goes dry and body goes numb

I just stand and stare as if I'm struck dumb
Scared to speak lest she curse me to hell

Scared I might sound my own knell

But when I look deep in those eyes.....

Holy shit! I know I'm right!

Coz everyone's good deep down inside

And this one's no different although she may hide

Coz deep below beneath all the fire

There's a motherlode of gold in that deathly mire!

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