Monday, September 29, 2008


Ah!.... how the world rushes after anything new....... combine that with one of the world's fav sports, and u might as well have figured what I m speaking about: The Singapore GP! Last night, millions of fans around the world as well as in the stands cheered and waved in frenzies of excitement and joy as the mean machines sped past.....and what a race it was!!!....

First and foremost, the idea of a night race was received hugely well.... and not only that, the race itself did justice to it well enuf....except of course that "little incident" involving Massa..... well that was something that had me in tears.....of laughter that is! Man I have never ever seen SUCH A THING happen in a race, well almost, if u exclude de time when a pit crew got sprayed with fuel! And then we had a couple of drivers crash and ram into the barricades..... I loved that too..... highly amusing to watch.... but yes.... these r just minor glitches..... I loved the race.... loved how the tables turned on Massa, and how Alonso won....and BTW Lewis Hamilton did not come first, so whoever says "Lewis all the way" on Facebook needs to read the news...

Sadly, tho I was in Singapore( still am) I couldn't make it to the race.... and then there were guys who got a free 3-day pass to the race for Red Cross Duty but got too tired to go on the Race Day coz they had to do much physical labor in the first 2 days!!! Unjust, for screamin out loud!!!! People with passes don't go, and those who wanna go got no passes....... anyway, I loved the race, and specially loved watching it with frenz.... adds to the fun, it does...

I hope they propose to have a regular Grand Prix in Singapore sumtime in de future. At least then I hav a chance......

"That's the way to go...for de cars!!!"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Me and My Big Mouth!

First of all(tired tho I am of giving intros to my seniors at univ!)let me give my intro... I m Shree- born n brought up in India, and currently a student in Singapore ....typical nerd... well, almost, coz since 2 years I have become a gr8 fan of Iron Maiden....hence the 'iron' in the name....and abt the 'blood'- well everything doesn't have to make sense right?

Frankly, lotta things dont make sense. Why do people believe u if u say there's a billion stars in the sky, but not if u tell them that the bench they r planning to sit on has wet paint? Why is it that people press elevator call buttons repeatedly when all the buttons do is to call the lift and not control its speed? Why do people go to watch run-of-the-mill Bollywood movies and waste their money on it? There are a lot of things that I never quite understand.....especially if it is to do with girls....well, that's entirely a different issue.... I doubt if even Freud could give a rational explanation for that! But anyway, that's digressin frm the topic...

So, the point is, how does the world still work, if there is such a lot of nonsense? Well, the most important reason is that this random noise in the bandwidth of humans is really a small part of it...most humans are rational and speak and act coherently... which is why I can write and post this article, and also why u are actually reading this be4 denouncing it as junk outright.... it is precisely this , how shall we say, 'power', that differentiates us from other life forms....the endless avenues of thought... the ability to act in a rational way.... that is what enables us to further knowledge, to achieve progress, to innovate and to work for the greater good....

Oh well that's enough nonsense to begin with... started with an intro, showed u how there is a lotta nonsense and then showed how it isnt really that much, instead of going ahead with my intro. I know that most of u would be cursing me for ever bothering to put up this article and causing a large amt of frustration to people who've never caused me any harm... but just grin and bear it.....coz there's more to come...........

Remember : "The light at the end of the tunnel might be that of an oncoming train!"